5 Self-Care Tips—because you’re worth it!

Author: Tay   Date Posted:11 November 2022 

What is self-care?  

Self-care means you are intentionally taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally so that you can be healthy and well. To put it in simple terms, it is to care for yourself. It is a part of how we can all cope with daily stressors. It is not self-indulgence or being selfish. 

There are many ways to adopt good self-care routines on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. It does not have to be complicated, perfect, overwhelming or time-consuming. It can be about simple routines, listening to your body and taking small steps to better take better care of your body and mind. There’s no wrong or right way to practice self-care—you just incorporate them into your routine. Even then, it may be still difficult to start so here are a few tips you can commit to any time of the day, week or month.

1. Take 10 minutes to decompress every day

It’s always important to have a breather whether it’s at the start of the day, mid-day or night time—no matter how busy your schedule can be, there is always space for some “me-time”. It does not have to be lavish—simply having a soothing warm tea or coffee in your favourite tea cup might even do the trick.

2. Wind down—enjoy a relaxing bath

Trust us when we say that drawing a bath with aroma therapeutic oils or bath salts will instantly make you feel relaxed. Sure, it is a typical routine but it’s perfect to have it at the end of the week to pamper your body. We love using the Dock & Bay Hair Wrap Cabana to keep our hair dry when in the bath. After enjoying the bath, we use the finest and softest Imabari Sakura Towels. This incredibly soft, highly absorbent cotton towels are going to add a little pleasure to your daily washing experience.    

3. It’s okay to say no to parties and late-night outings

Not all weekends are meant to be spent outside with tons of activities from morning till night—you might end up tiring yourself even more. We love to wind down and cosy up on a couch or bed with the Fantastic Fruit Microwaveable Cozy Comfort Plush Heat Pack. It keeps you toasty and warm during the coldest wintry season. It also soothes muscles and relieves cramps if you’re having body aches. You are more important than your to-do list, so put your well-being first.    

4. Incorporate your day or week with something pleasant

It can be grounding to build an enjoyable routine into your day or week. If you don’t have any idea where to start, let the IS Gift Set of 8 Wooden Wellness Dice determine for you. This unique dice includes a variety of healthy routines to incorporate into your day like doing yoga, meditating or just a quick 5-minute jump rope activity to get you moving. You can also use the Luckies Helping Hand Self Care Scratch Cards where it features 52 scratch cards of advice, quotes, and little tasks to guide you through tough days or harvest some positive fuel to keep your mind and body focused.

5. Affirmations/Gratitude List

If journaling is not your forte, try making gratitude or affirmations to impart as a daily ritual. Try asking a simple list of 3 things you were grateful at the end of each day. It doesn’t have to be complicated: a memory, a piece of advice from your colleague or meaningful lyrics you heard on your playlist. And just for fun, if you know anyone who loves a quirky read about positive affirmations, the Knock Knock Affirmators! Book is the perfect gift for them. It’s a great read, 100% encouraging and perfect for all ages!

Now that you’ve got a few ideas, we hope you enjoy the routine, be mindful of your body and commit to a good self-care routine. And of course, these items mentioned above are all available on Thursday Living, and they are great as a lovely gift for her (ps. a good idea to get an early start on your Christmas shopping too!). If you like to check on more self-care products, check out our Wellness category.

Here at Thursday Living, we offer a wide range of quality gifts, tableware, homeware and lifestyle products and Free Shipping in Australia with no minimum spend. You also get to enjoy a 30-day return guarantee.  

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